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Water Quality Improvement:


Please note that the first video above is short segments of a wink interview, and the picture slides are all public information from candidate financial records and voting records. 


Once elected, I will advocate for a safe and healthy environment by supporting programs that assure achievement of water quality standards. We need to improve the water quality of Southwest Florida. The legislature needs to make sure that the federal government will prioritize the water infrastructure in its budget plan as soon as possible. Improvements in water quality is vital for our communities' well-being, and it is crucial for our tourism, and it also impacts our economy.


Right now, our state is facing a toxic algae crisis. These harmful algae blooms from the red tide and the blue green algae have caused a public health crisis, ecological crisis, and an economical crisis. The health of our community is in danger, as well as the health of our precious marine life and animals. Our lawmakers did this to our beautiful Florida. Our lawmakers have consistently voted against our best interest in favor of special interests groups. And now, Florida's environment and therefore our community's health is in jeopardy. My opponent, representative Heather Fitzenhagen, has voted against multiple important environmental protection bills and water quality standard bills. She is included in the list of the lawmakers who put profits over people, and who are harming our precious wildlife, environment, and our community's health with the harmful votes they make and the corrupted donations they take. Her donations tell us who she is defending, the pollutants. She has received donations from Big Sugar, Big Fertilizers, and dark money PACs which pollute our environment. Enough is enough. We must speak up, be one voice, and vote out these politicians who do not work for the best interest of their constituents or the environment.

    My opponent, Heather Fitzenhagen, has voted against multiple water and environmental bills as follows:

   -HB 7003: Perhaps her worst environmental vote. She voted in support of this bill to weaken state water quality standards, remove water quality requirements at structures surrounding Lake Okeechobee, and eliminate deadline for pollution clean-up. This is the reason we are in this mess. How can it be any clearer that Fitzenhagen sides with polluters and fails to support solutions for cleaner waters.

   -HB191: She voted in support of fracking in FL.

   -HB1075: She voted in support of this bill to hijack lands and use for public commercial uses, therefore decreasing our chance of protecting our water quality.

   -HB1149: She voted in support of dumping wastewater into our drinking aquifers.

Once elected, I will make sure to put strict regulations on the amount of nutrient rich fertilizers being released into our waters. I will sponsor bills to tax the polluters fairly for polluting our waters. Businesses have claimed bankruptcy, people have lost their jobs, and home values have gone down.  We must test the air quality as these blue-green toxins have been correlated to cancers. We must have policies in place to gather information, monitor and test our waters, and notify the public of health hazards associated with this crisis. I will also sponsor bills to support and fund task forces that will include scientists, ecologists, and environmentalists who will monitor the quality of our waters to prevent these harmful algae growths, and for them to do research to improve the quality of our water and to help fight global warming.  Now is the time for all of us to come together and elect officials who truly care for the wellbeing of their community and their environment. 

Paid Political Advertisement Paid for and Approved by Dr. Parisima Taeb, Democrat, State House District 78

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